First Sunday of Sleeba ~ First Sunday of the Cross ~ First Sunday of Tragedy
Mark 13:30-37 - I Cor. 2:10-16
Sermon given September 16, 2001 by V. Rev. Fr. John-Brian Paprock
In name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit
O Lord, open my lips and my mouth shall show forth Thy praise!
What can I say to you, my brothers and sisters, on this first Sunday after the horrific tragedy that shook the world in an hour of destruction?
Like so many of us, I watched in disbelief and horror when the World Trade Towers fell. I cried then not just for the loss of life, although there was much loss of life; not just for the loss of property, although there was much loss of that too; not just for the loss of a skyline I knew once as home, although that is irretrievable. Rather, I found myself crying for the losses yet to come. I saw in the billowing plumes of smoke and dust raining down upon Manhattan the future losses that such a declaration of violence would reap. And I cried and somewhere inside I still cry. I cry for the young men and women that will die in retribution and war. I cry for all who will lose their faith because of violent acts in the name of God. I cry for those who will find hatred and violence in their hearts and will be lead by that same darkness rather than the light of Christ. I cry for all who become instruments of malignant joy to the Evil One.
Such losses have been experienced before, in other places and other times. I have wept when reading accounts of the Crusaders and the Conquistadors, the Inquisition and the Holocaust. From all this suffering and torment, my brothers and sisters, what have we learned? Is this yet another lesson? Will America use this as justification for inflicting others with similar injury? The underlying question is really – what would Jesus do?
Like many of us, I have watched the news specials broadcasting on all channels. I listened to the news on the car radio. It seemed at times like it would never end. How many stories of grief and sorrow can there be? How many commentaries for justifiable retribution? My vigilant witness by television and radio would not ease until I was serving as chaplain at the hospitals this weekend.
Friday, I visited with a man who was waiting for an organ transplant. I don’t often get to visit with such patients. So, I learned more about his condition and his suffering. Both he and his wife had such hope, even though they were in the hospital earlier this week and left without a transplant. At one point, I realized that his hope was based upon another’s death. He noticed this awareness and the visit became awkward. He had tears in his eyes when he said, “I realize that I benefit from another family’s loss.” I replied, “Yes, but so many of the families are honored that in their loss someone may benefit.”
That night, there was death in another ward. An elderly man was being taken for further imaging, examining his insides if you wish. Along the way, he died. Code Blue was initiated and the hospital doctors and nurses and other staff worked to revive him, but couldn’t. He died in the hallway. As a chaplain, I had to tell his wife who was on her way but not expecting this sudden death. When I told her, her first words, “I thought we would have a few more years.”
Her friend who had come for support started having tremendous difficulty as her parents and her husband had all died in this hospital. Eventually, she had to apologetically leave. She said, “Why would this happen to me?”
I told her that I believed that an angel guards the images and memories of traumatic events when we cannot deal with them. Then, when the angel is assured that we are ready and have the support around us, the angel lets us re-live or re-experience those moments so that we may be whole again. Traumatic events shatter us.
Across the hall, there was another death. This was long expected by the family. They simply wanted her to have some prayers for her journey. The family wept and said good-bye.
At the hospital, we place a butterfly on the door of rooms where a patient has died to alert staff who may not know of the demise. On this floor, the staff has only one butterfly. Although the second death was expected, they were still unprepared.
After a time, I went to the floor below where there is a special care nursery. These is where infants with difficulties after birth are tended with loving attention, but are of necessity separated from their parents. There an infant is crying in an incubator because she is withdrawing from the drugs her mother took. Another weak and feeble infant has a rare painful condition where her bones are so brittle that she cannot be picked up and held. Neither of these infants knows of the violence that was perpetrated in New York City, yet their suffering is just as real.
The intimacy of pain, death and suffering can only be experienced individually. Such is the image of the Crucifixion and the power of the Cross - suffering, pain and even death cannot hold back the glory of God.
Last night, I began to watch regular fiction and fantasy programming on the television. I have to admit that I am a fan of science fiction. There is a show that I have watched called “Earth: Final Conflict.”(It seemed appropriate.) In this show, aliens come to Earth to save their race as their destiny is somehow intimately entangled with ours.
In this episode, most of the alien race are in stasis, in sort of a coma, and the last two awake are debating about who should be the last one to go into stasis. Their ship can only finish its mission if they are all in stasis. One is willing to go into stasis for their race. The other does not trust the human’s to care enough about their problems and wants to stay awake to the possible demise fo their race. So, there is a conflict over saving their race by trusting humans. However, there is a prophetic figure who happens to be human, but a little more than human, who brings all the aliens out of stasis and tells them that they need to work NOW if they are going to save their race – in effect, telling them that both sides of their argument are incorrect. The answer is in being awakened. As one alien says, “Awakening us from stasis is the first step in our salvation.”
Now, I don’t often use science fiction stories to make a Christian or biblical point. I smile quite often at the symbolism and often not-so-subtle spiritual and moral messages. Perhaps, that is why I enjoy those shows. However, I found the alien statement to be a profound reflection into our current predicament and our Gospel lesson for today. “Awakening us from stasis is the first step in our salvation.”
Our Gospel reading from Mark and our Epistle reading from First Corinthians are so profound in the face of the historic and horrific events of this past week. I strongly recommend them for meditation and prayer over the next weeks and months.
Many times in today’s Gospel we are told: “Be Alert.” Be as alert as if you are the one who is watching a house and knows not when the owner will return, knowing that it is expected that you keep watch – as the owner “might come suddenly and find you asleep.” (Verse 36)
So, is this the time foretold in the Gospels, in the Prophecies of Christ? What of other Prophets and their sayings? Let me say that the Gospel tells me over and over again to be a skeptic, to focus on the personal and intimate interactions with others and within myself. This is how I will be judged as a Christian; by how I conduct myself regardless of the times or the seasons.
Verse 33: …for you do not know when the time is.
How should we be alert? We always need to allow for spiritual discernment in the face of the physical destruction and emotional turmoil. Let us look to St. Paul’s instruction to the Corinthians.
Verse 14-16: For the material man rejects spiritual things, for they are foolishness to him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned. But the spiritual man discerns EVERY THING…For who knows the mind of the Lord, that he may teach it? But we have the perception of Christ.
Brothers and Sisters, now that the shock of the events have diminished a bit, do not let the evil one into your hearts with what seems to be "justifiable" hatred or rage.
v Let us not be quick to judgment upon anyone nor quick to assume God's intent. None of us knows the will of God as well as He does. His allowance for us to hurt each other is a mystery debated since the founding of the Church, even as Christ hung on the cross.
v Let us be instruments of constructive good and peace.
v Let us shine as beacons of love and hope.
v Let us be good citizens of Christian conviction, serving others in these difficult times regardless of where they live.
v Let us be of Christ’s mind, using His perception in the discernment of our personal activities in the midst of what is a global crisis.
v Let us be witnesses of the good that others are doing.
v Let us remember each other in prayer and in goodness and in hope. Amen.
Spiritual Reflections of Fr John Brian
A web place for epistles, sermons, homilies, and other spiritual and pastoral reflections of Fr John Brian Paprock, including Sunday sermons from Holy Transfiguration Chapel in Madison Wisconsin and links to articles published on-line. All images are from the archives of Fr John Brian. Most of them are photographs taken by him. Permission to use any of the content of this blog needs to be requested -
Friday, September 11, 2015
Saturday, July 11, 2015
Apostolic Mission: Psalm 75
Apostolic Mission: Psalm 75
An inspiring sermon about the Apostolic Work of Holy Church through the perspectives of lectionary appointed Bible readings of St. Peter and St. Paul (and St. James). Fr. John Brian delivers another heart felt sermon for mission work. Not just mission work, but the spiritual work of all Christians, every day. Then, he reflects on the verses of Psalm 75.
This sermon uses Church readings according to the Syriac Orthodox Church for the Apostles day celebration. The homiletic sermon was given by. Rev. Fr. John-Brian Paprock on June 26, 2015 at Holy Transfiguration Orthodox Mission liturgy held at St. Ignatius Antiochian Church in Madison (Fitchburg) Wisconsin
Please pray for Fr. John Brian who remains committed to us in the continuing development of Christian Spirituality.
An inspiring sermon about the Apostolic Work of Holy Church through the perspectives of lectionary appointed Bible readings of St. Peter and St. Paul (and St. James). Fr. John Brian delivers another heart felt sermon for mission work. Not just mission work, but the spiritual work of all Christians, every day. Then, he reflects on the verses of Psalm 75.
This sermon uses Church readings according to the Syriac Orthodox Church for the Apostles day celebration. The homiletic sermon was given by. Rev. Fr. John-Brian Paprock on June 26, 2015 at Holy Transfiguration Orthodox Mission liturgy held at St. Ignatius Antiochian Church in Madison (Fitchburg) Wisconsin
Please pray for Fr. John Brian who remains committed to us in the continuing development of Christian Spirituality.
Friday, April 24, 2015
Forgiving Genocide
Forgiving Genocide
Is it possible to forgive a GENOCIDE? Is it possible to forgive the massacre of family, friends, those bound to us by any social or sacred means?
Fr. John Brian brings a heart felt sermon about the problems of US vs Them and the ultimate place of our salvation and the redemption of the
This sermon was given in special commemoration of the centennial remembrance of the Armenian genocide that included Christians from Syria and Greece.
Fr. John Brian talks about the importance of memory in our Christian journey.
Please pray for Fr. John Brian who remains committed to us in the continuing development of Christian Spirituality.
This sermon uses and refers to scripture readings appointed by the Syriac Orthodox calendar and was given on Sunday April 18, 2015 by Fr. John-Brian Paprock at Holy Transfiguration Orthodox Mission service at St. Ignatius Orthodox Church in Fitchburg, Wisconsin.
Sunday, April 12, 2015
Martyr Love
Martyr Love
The love and power of Christian martyrs is discussed in this Lenten sermon. Fr John Brian gives a sermon that can be listened to at all seasons.
Martyrs have always been considered among the greatest of saints as they are tested servants, but they also demonstrate the great power of God's love.
How is that? Listen to this thoughtful sermon that can help us in our own spiritual growth.
Please pray for Fr. John Brian who remains committed to us in the continuing development of Christian Spirituality.
This sermon uses and refers to scripture readings appointed by the Syriac Orthodox calendar and was given on Sunday March 21, 2015 by Fr. John-Brian Paprock at Holy Transfiguration Orthodox Mission service at St. Ignatius Orthodox Church in Fitchburg, Wisconsin.
The love and power of Christian martyrs is discussed in this Lenten sermon. Fr John Brian gives a sermon that can be listened to at all seasons.
Martyrs have always been considered among the greatest of saints as they are tested servants, but they also demonstrate the great power of God's love.
How is that? Listen to this thoughtful sermon that can help us in our own spiritual growth.
Please pray for Fr. John Brian who remains committed to us in the continuing development of Christian Spirituality.
This sermon uses and refers to scripture readings appointed by the Syriac Orthodox calendar and was given on Sunday March 21, 2015 by Fr. John-Brian Paprock at Holy Transfiguration Orthodox Mission service at St. Ignatius Orthodox Church in Fitchburg, Wisconsin.
Wednesday, March 18, 2015
Truth and Deception
Truth and Deception
Are we deceived? Fr John Brian suggests we are all easily deceived in America. In this thoughtful sermon, he gives us the Orthodox Christian way of discerning truth and how important this is for our spiritual growth.
Fr. John Brian uses the seasonal readings from the beginning of Matthew to talk about the keys to understanding the truth, even in our dreams.
Then, Fr. John Brian uses a selection for the Epistle of Peter to further assist our discernment. He gives us historical Orthodox Christian grounding to make our spiritual foundations secure.
"Always follow the truth. Find the truth. Trust that God will bring the truth to you," said Fr John Brian
Please pray for Fr. John Brian who remains committed to us in the continuing development of Christian Spirituality.
This sermon uses and refers to scripture readings appointed by the Syriac Orthodox calendar and was given on Sunday December 13, 2014 by Fr. John-Brian Paprock at Holy Transfiguration Orthodox Mission Chapel, Madison, Wisconsin.
Are we deceived? Fr John Brian suggests we are all easily deceived in America. In this thoughtful sermon, he gives us the Orthodox Christian way of discerning truth and how important this is for our spiritual growth.
Fr. John Brian uses the seasonal readings from the beginning of Matthew to talk about the keys to understanding the truth, even in our dreams.
Then, Fr. John Brian uses a selection for the Epistle of Peter to further assist our discernment. He gives us historical Orthodox Christian grounding to make our spiritual foundations secure.
"Always follow the truth. Find the truth. Trust that God will bring the truth to you," said Fr John Brian
Please pray for Fr. John Brian who remains committed to us in the continuing development of Christian Spirituality.
This sermon uses and refers to scripture readings appointed by the Syriac Orthodox calendar and was given on Sunday December 13, 2014 by Fr. John-Brian Paprock at Holy Transfiguration Orthodox Mission Chapel, Madison, Wisconsin.
Reflection on Martyrdom
"... it is a privilege for a Christian to die a martyr, because none but a martyr can, at the last judgement, take his stand in front of God's judgement seat and say, 'According to Thy word and Thy example, I have forgiven. Thou hast no claim against them any more.' Which means that the one who suffers martyrdom in Christ, whose love is not defeated by suffering, acquires unconditional power of forgiving over the one who has inflicted the suffering. And this can be applied on a much lower level, on the level of everyday life; anyone who suffers a minor injustice from someone else can forgive or refuse to forgive. But this is a two-edged sword; if you do not forgive, you will not be forgiven either."
Bishop Anthony Bloom in "Living Prayer"
Sunday, January 25, 2015
The Spiritually Vulnerable: Exposing Religious Abuse (excerpt)
Friday, January 16, 2015
Reflections on 15 Years of Mission Ministry
When I became a teenager, I had served around the altar of Holy Orthodoxy for years as an altar boy, though without consistency. Like many Orthodox children, my parents, although deeply spiritual and devout in their own way, rarely took us to the Divine Liturgy. There were, as there often are, other issues that were obstacles to attendance. Not the least of these excuses was the lack of English in the services. We were fortunate to find services with English and kind clergy that were willing to push me around the altar in on-the-job training to serve. About forty years ago, a barely-teenager boy, I was asked if I could read the Epistle during the Liturgy. I agreed and was given the Episcopal blessing (and tonsure) to be a reader in the Holy Orthodox Church. I read in English.
Thirty years ago, I was ordained to Holy Orders (the diaconate) when I was a young man in my 20s. I volunteered to serve an English speaking mission. A few years later, I was ordained to the priesthood and continued serving Holy Church and the mission for Americans. I have been blessed with bishops and elders who have given me kind and compassionate attention and required a deeper spirituality. Perhaps they knew, even before I did, how much wounded-ness from childhood I carried. Maybe, they were completely in compliance with the love of God. They taught me and encouraged me even in dark and difficult times. I continued to volunteer for small mission parish work through the years. (continued below photo collages)
There are stories to tell of those that joined the mission through sacramental truths of Holy Orthodoxy and of those that died in the hope that Holy Orthodoxy is a sure bridge to the eternal kingdom. We have prayed for so many that have begun their journey in the Church and those that have joined the heavenly abodes. I have been an honored witness of infants who became students who have become adults. I have bid bon voyage to those that have visited this country for a while and then have returned to their homeland after blessing our little mission with their love and wisdom. And the Lord continues His blessings even through difficulties and tragedies. There are joys of church festivals and struggles with fasts. Over the years over 500 meals and fellowship with some of the most special unique and loving people I have ever encountered.
Humbled and honored by such an anniversary that I gratefully share with you, dear reader, I decided to share pictures rather than just sentiment. And even as I contemplate the past and the moments frozen in these photographs, I still reach back to defining words that I wrote after a period of inactivity after my son was born - a return to active ministry. I have put a link to those words below.
I humbly request your prayers for me, an unworthy and undeserving servant. May the Lord give me strength and courage, peace and love enough for the next decades of ministry.
A sermon delivered on the evening of August 5th, 1999 by Reverend Father John-Brian Paprock
Wednesday, December 10, 2014
The Power of Spiritual Community
Spiritual Community
The power of spiritual community is explored in this inspirational sermon of Fr. John Brian.
Fr. John Brian talks about spiritual community from an Eastern Christian perspective, using Galations 3 and 1 John 3 for scriptural insight and clarity.
He begins by quoting the Holy Fathers about the Nativity feast and the profound community of God and man manifest by Emmanuel "God with us."
Please pray for Fr. John Brian who remains committed to us in the continuing development of Christian Spirituality.
This sermon uses and refers to scripture readings appointed by the Syriac Orthodox calendar and was given on Sunday November 30, 2014 by Fr. John-Brian Paprock at Holy Transfiguration Orthodox Mission Chapel, Madison, Wisconsin.
The power of spiritual community is explored in this inspirational sermon of Fr. John Brian.
Fr. John Brian talks about spiritual community from an Eastern Christian perspective, using Galations 3 and 1 John 3 for scriptural insight and clarity.
He begins by quoting the Holy Fathers about the Nativity feast and the profound community of God and man manifest by Emmanuel "God with us."
Please pray for Fr. John Brian who remains committed to us in the continuing development of Christian Spirituality.
This sermon uses and refers to scripture readings appointed by the Syriac Orthodox calendar and was given on Sunday November 30, 2014 by Fr. John-Brian Paprock at Holy Transfiguration Orthodox Mission Chapel, Madison, Wisconsin.
Thursday, October 09, 2014
Finding the Cross
Finding the Cross
The Cross has a central place in Christian life. And so we should look for places it can be a source of hope and healing, protection and providence for us.
Fr. John Brian talks about the Cross and the post-crucifixion story from an Eastern Christian perspective.
This inspirational sermon can bring us the Cross of Light to our lives so that we can easily find and use it as a direction for good in the world.
Please pray for Fr. John Brian who remains committed to us in the continuing development of Christian Spirituality.
This sermon uses and refers to scripture readings appointed by the Syriac Orthodox calendar and was given on Sunday September 21, 2014 by Fr. John-Brian Paprock at Holy Transfiguration Orthodox Mission Chapel, Madison, Wisconsin.
The Cross has a central place in Christian life. And so we should look for places it can be a source of hope and healing, protection and providence for us.
Fr. John Brian talks about the Cross and the post-crucifixion story from an Eastern Christian perspective.
This inspirational sermon can bring us the Cross of Light to our lives so that we can easily find and use it as a direction for good in the world.
Please pray for Fr. John Brian who remains committed to us in the continuing development of Christian Spirituality.
This sermon uses and refers to scripture readings appointed by the Syriac Orthodox calendar and was given on Sunday September 21, 2014 by Fr. John-Brian Paprock at Holy Transfiguration Orthodox Mission Chapel, Madison, Wisconsin.
Tuesday, September 02, 2014
Mother of Life and Death
Mother of Life and Death
Mary, the Mother of God, is a deep mystery and one that does not easily lift its veil. Fr. John Brian gives some insight into the mystical and the practical in another thought provoking sermon.
Fr. John Brian talks about the Mother from an Eastern Christian perspective - how the maternal is a key to our life and our death.
This inspirational sermon can bring us closer to Mary the Mother God, asking her to intercede or us with her son, our Savior, Jesus Christ.
Please pray for Fr. John Brian who remains committed to us in the continuing development of Christian Spirituality.
This sermon uses and refers to scripture readings appointed by the Syriac Orthodox calendar and was given on Sunday August 24, 2014 by Fr. John-Brian Paprock at Holy Transfiguration Orthodox Mission Chapel, Madison, Wisconsin.
Mary, the Mother of God, is a deep mystery and one that does not easily lift its veil. Fr. John Brian gives some insight into the mystical and the practical in another thought provoking sermon.
Fr. John Brian talks about the Mother from an Eastern Christian perspective - how the maternal is a key to our life and our death.
This inspirational sermon can bring us closer to Mary the Mother God, asking her to intercede or us with her son, our Savior, Jesus Christ.
Please pray for Fr. John Brian who remains committed to us in the continuing development of Christian Spirituality.
This sermon uses and refers to scripture readings appointed by the Syriac Orthodox calendar and was given on Sunday August 24, 2014 by Fr. John-Brian Paprock at Holy Transfiguration Orthodox Mission Chapel, Madison, Wisconsin.
Tuesday, August 19, 2014
The Mystical Transfiguration
Some of the mystery and the mystical is given in this thought provoking sermon.
Fr. John Brian gives us insight into the symbolism and Luke's gospel account of the Transfiguration from an Eastern Christian perspective. This inspirational sermon can bring us closer to God in this life and in that to come.
Please pray for Fr. John Brian who remains committed to us in the continuing development of Christian Spirituality.
This sermon uses and refers to scripture readings appointed by the Syriac Orthodox calendar and was given on Sunday July 13, 2014 by Fr. John-Brian Paprock at Holy Transfiguration Orthodox Mission Chapel, Madison, Wisconsin.
Monday, July 14, 2014
A Lonely Place with Five Thousand
A Lonely Place with Five Thousand
This is another sermon given for this modern time during the festal time of the Holy Apostles.
In the Gospel of Luke 9:10-17, we are given a story of a miracle, but it begins with Jesus going to a lonely desolate place with his apostles.
When a multitude of the needy come to him there, he heals them and teaches them.
Then we are told that with 5 loaves of bread and two fish, the multitude is fed.
Fr. John Brian gives us insight into the symbolism and the spiritual instructions of this passage from an Eastern Christian perspective. This inspirational sermon can bring us to greater service and greater connection to God in this life and in that to come.
Please pray for Fr. John Brian who remains committed to us in the continuing development of Christian Spirituality.
This sermon uses and refers to scripture readings appointed by the Syriac Orthodox calendar and was given on Sunday July 13, 2014 by Fr. John-Brian Paprock at Holy Transfiguration Orthodox Mission Chapel, Madison, Wisconsin.
Please pray for the mission chapel and all who attend services there.
This is another sermon given for this modern time during the festal time of the Holy Apostles.
In the Gospel of Luke 9:10-17, we are given a story of a miracle, but it begins with Jesus going to a lonely desolate place with his apostles.
When a multitude of the needy come to him there, he heals them and teaches them.
Then we are told that with 5 loaves of bread and two fish, the multitude is fed.
Fr. John Brian gives us insight into the symbolism and the spiritual instructions of this passage from an Eastern Christian perspective. This inspirational sermon can bring us to greater service and greater connection to God in this life and in that to come.
Please pray for Fr. John Brian who remains committed to us in the continuing development of Christian Spirituality.
This sermon uses and refers to scripture readings appointed by the Syriac Orthodox calendar and was given on Sunday July 13, 2014 by Fr. John-Brian Paprock at Holy Transfiguration Orthodox Mission Chapel, Madison, Wisconsin.
Please pray for the mission chapel and all who attend services there.
Saturday, July 12, 2014
If ... in This Life
If ... In This Life
This is a sermon given for this modern time during the festal time of the Holy Apostles.
"...For if in this life of the flesh, my efforts bear fruit." (Philippians 1:22) Yes, St. Paul actually says "IF." He writes that he is unsure of the results of his efforts. The great apostle, the great builder of the church, the great teacher, St Paul was unsure of the results of his efforts, even though he definitely saw congregations form and seek spiritual food - indeed we have that evidence in his amazing spiritual instructions in the letters he wrote to them.
It was the Holy Spirit that continues to give life to these teachings and to us. Fr. John-Brian gives important teachings about the Holy Spirit and its place in Apostolic Succession.
The Spirit is like a breath or a wind. See Genesis 2:7 and Ezekiel 37:9 in addition to the gospel ordinations and the Holy Spirit coming to the Apostles by Jesus after the resurrection and at Pentecost and Acts records the Spirit coming to them again.
"As long as breath is in me, the Spirit of God is in me." Job 27:3
In this sermon, Fr John Brian describes the Trinitarian formula for restoration, a transformative understanding of the Trinity to bring us to our created purpose and essence.
Please pray for Fr. John Brian who remains committed to us in the continuing development of Christian Spirituality.
This sermon uses and refers to scripture readings appointed by the Syriac Orthodox calendar and was given on Sunday June 29, 2014 by Fr. John-Brian Paprock at Holy Transfiguration Orthodox Mission Chapel, Madison, Wisconsin.
Please pray for the mission chapel and all who attend services there.
This is a sermon given for this modern time during the festal time of the Holy Apostles.
"...For if in this life of the flesh, my efforts bear fruit." (Philippians 1:22) Yes, St. Paul actually says "IF." He writes that he is unsure of the results of his efforts. The great apostle, the great builder of the church, the great teacher, St Paul was unsure of the results of his efforts, even though he definitely saw congregations form and seek spiritual food - indeed we have that evidence in his amazing spiritual instructions in the letters he wrote to them.
It was the Holy Spirit that continues to give life to these teachings and to us. Fr. John-Brian gives important teachings about the Holy Spirit and its place in Apostolic Succession.
The Spirit is like a breath or a wind. See Genesis 2:7 and Ezekiel 37:9 in addition to the gospel ordinations and the Holy Spirit coming to the Apostles by Jesus after the resurrection and at Pentecost and Acts records the Spirit coming to them again.
"As long as breath is in me, the Spirit of God is in me." Job 27:3
In this sermon, Fr John Brian describes the Trinitarian formula for restoration, a transformative understanding of the Trinity to bring us to our created purpose and essence.
Please pray for Fr. John Brian who remains committed to us in the continuing development of Christian Spirituality.
This sermon uses and refers to scripture readings appointed by the Syriac Orthodox calendar and was given on Sunday June 29, 2014 by Fr. John-Brian Paprock at Holy Transfiguration Orthodox Mission Chapel, Madison, Wisconsin.
Please pray for the mission chapel and all who attend services there.
Tuesday, July 01, 2014
Not Afraid of Those Who Kill
Not Afraid of Those Who Kill
This expository sermon discusses one of the most significant scriptures for the early church; Matthew 10:23 - "do not be afraid of those who kill the body, but cannot kill the soul."
Fr John Brian starts by speaking to the essence of honor and words. It is good to be like our leaders, masters, teachers - we show that honor by using their words and examples in our leading and teaching.
Fr. John Brian reminds us that "fear will take you away from love" and so we should not be afraid of others, treating them with fear. We ought, as Fr. John Brian says, "to treat them with respect and honor because it is the potential of every person to be redeemed at the end of time." So we should treat them as though they can reach that potential.
So how can we get to the point of trust as the early Christians, who went to martyrdom praying for thought that would "kill the body."
"Love God more," says Fr. John Brian.
"Make God's love and mercy our priority is how we grow and development spiritually." This is the wisdom of Christianity.
Please pray for Fr. John Brian who remains committed to us in the continuing development of Christian Spirituality.
This sermon uses and refers to scripture readings appointed by the Syriac Orthodox calendar and was given on Sunday June 22, 2014 by Fr. John-Brian Paprock at Holy Transfiguration Orthodox Mission Chapel, Madison, Wisconsin.
Please pray for the mission chapel and all who attend services there.
This expository sermon discusses one of the most significant scriptures for the early church; Matthew 10:23 - "do not be afraid of those who kill the body, but cannot kill the soul."
Fr John Brian starts by speaking to the essence of honor and words. It is good to be like our leaders, masters, teachers - we show that honor by using their words and examples in our leading and teaching.
Fr. John Brian reminds us that "fear will take you away from love" and so we should not be afraid of others, treating them with fear. We ought, as Fr. John Brian says, "to treat them with respect and honor because it is the potential of every person to be redeemed at the end of time." So we should treat them as though they can reach that potential.
So how can we get to the point of trust as the early Christians, who went to martyrdom praying for thought that would "kill the body."
"Love God more," says Fr. John Brian.
"Make God's love and mercy our priority is how we grow and development spiritually." This is the wisdom of Christianity.
Please pray for Fr. John Brian who remains committed to us in the continuing development of Christian Spirituality.
This sermon uses and refers to scripture readings appointed by the Syriac Orthodox calendar and was given on Sunday June 22, 2014 by Fr. John-Brian Paprock at Holy Transfiguration Orthodox Mission Chapel, Madison, Wisconsin.
Please pray for the mission chapel and all who attend services there.
Friday, June 20, 2014
Continuing New
Continuing New
This important sermon discusses what St Paul calls "walking in newness of life" (Romans 6:4)
Starting with Apostolic Succession and moving into our personal lives, Fr. John Brian enhances understanding of our spiritual genealogy.
"We walk in newness of life. " says Fr. John Brian, "as though we have been resurrected from the dead."
This sermon discusses how we can do this walk or as Fr John Brian puts it:
"Rather than a lump of was without a wick, each of us has a wick in the core of us to be lit... We have always been part of the truth and reality of God - that newness of life - the activity of being-ness."
Fr. John Brian closes with insight into Matthew 11:28-30" Come to me [says Jesus] all who are heavy laden and I will give you rest... for my yoke is easy and my burden is light."
Fr. John-Brian continues to speak to our further spiritual development.
Please pray for Fr. John Brian who remains committed to us in the continuing development of Christian Spirituality.
This sermon uses and refers to scripture readings appointed by the Syriac Orthodox calendar and was given on Sunday June 15, 2014 by Fr. John-Brian Paprock at Holy Transfiguration Orthodox Mission Chapel, Madison, Wisconsin.
Please pray for the mission chapel and all who attend services there.
This important sermon discusses what St Paul calls "walking in newness of life" (Romans 6:4)
Starting with Apostolic Succession and moving into our personal lives, Fr. John Brian enhances understanding of our spiritual genealogy.
"We walk in newness of life. " says Fr. John Brian, "as though we have been resurrected from the dead."
This sermon discusses how we can do this walk or as Fr John Brian puts it:
"Rather than a lump of was without a wick, each of us has a wick in the core of us to be lit... We have always been part of the truth and reality of God - that newness of life - the activity of being-ness."
Fr. John Brian closes with insight into Matthew 11:28-30" Come to me [says Jesus] all who are heavy laden and I will give you rest... for my yoke is easy and my burden is light."
Fr. John-Brian continues to speak to our further spiritual development.
Please pray for Fr. John Brian who remains committed to us in the continuing development of Christian Spirituality.
This sermon uses and refers to scripture readings appointed by the Syriac Orthodox calendar and was given on Sunday June 15, 2014 by Fr. John-Brian Paprock at Holy Transfiguration Orthodox Mission Chapel, Madison, Wisconsin.
Please pray for the mission chapel and all who attend services there.
Thursday, June 05, 2014
A Holy Waiting
A Holy Waiting
This sermon elaborates on the Gospel stories of holy waiting for us to consider the pauses in our lives as opportunities:
to work our spiritual work
to practice spiritual principles
to be ready for the time to come
to be ready for the eternal life
to be ready for the return of Christ
Fr. John-Brian continues to speak to our further spiritual development in another inspirational sermon.
Please pray for Fr. John Brian who remains committed to us in the continuing development of Christian Spirituality.
This sermon uses and refers to scripture readings appointed by the Syrian Orthodox calendar and was given on Sunday June 1, 2014 by Fr. John-Brian Paprock at Holy Transfiguration Orthodox Mission Chapel, Madison, Wisconsin.
Please pray for the mission chapel and all who attend services there.
This sermon elaborates on the Gospel stories of holy waiting for us to consider the pauses in our lives as opportunities:
to work our spiritual work
to practice spiritual principles
to be ready for the time to come
to be ready for the eternal life
to be ready for the return of Christ
Fr. John-Brian continues to speak to our further spiritual development in another inspirational sermon.
Please pray for Fr. John Brian who remains committed to us in the continuing development of Christian Spirituality.
This sermon uses and refers to scripture readings appointed by the Syrian Orthodox calendar and was given on Sunday June 1, 2014 by Fr. John-Brian Paprock at Holy Transfiguration Orthodox Mission Chapel, Madison, Wisconsin.
Please pray for the mission chapel and all who attend services there.
Wednesday, June 04, 2014
All of What is Human
All of What is Human
"All of what is human," says Fr John Brian in this sermon, "meets Jesus at the Cross, or rather through the Cross to the Resurrection."
"...not just the embrace of a physical life with spiritual attributes, but the spiritual life that embraces even the death of the physical body on the cross." - Fr. John Brian
We need to become willing to let Christ raise us together, integrated fully in life which is the Spirit moving in the denseness of matter. This is our own work individually and collectively. This divine work is what moved the apostles to people they had never known, places of distant lands.
Fr. John Brian uses the Second Chapter of the Epistle to the Ephesians to help us and remind us that it is the actual effort of God in this world to bring us together. .
Fr. John-Brian continues to speak to our further spiritual development in this inspirational sermon.
Please pray for Fr. John Brian who remains committed to us in the continuing development of Christian Spirituality.
This sermon uses and refers to scripture readings appointed by the Syrian Orthodox calendar and was given on Sunday May 18, 2014 by Fr. John-Brian Paprock at Holy Transfiguration Orthodox Mission Chapel, Madison, Wisconsin.
Please pray for the mission chapel and all who attend services there.
"All of what is human," says Fr John Brian in this sermon, "meets Jesus at the Cross, or rather through the Cross to the Resurrection."
"...not just the embrace of a physical life with spiritual attributes, but the spiritual life that embraces even the death of the physical body on the cross." - Fr. John Brian
We need to become willing to let Christ raise us together, integrated fully in life which is the Spirit moving in the denseness of matter. This is our own work individually and collectively. This divine work is what moved the apostles to people they had never known, places of distant lands.
Fr. John Brian uses the Second Chapter of the Epistle to the Ephesians to help us and remind us that it is the actual effort of God in this world to bring us together. .
Fr. John-Brian continues to speak to our further spiritual development in this inspirational sermon.
Please pray for Fr. John Brian who remains committed to us in the continuing development of Christian Spirituality.
This sermon uses and refers to scripture readings appointed by the Syrian Orthodox calendar and was given on Sunday May 18, 2014 by Fr. John-Brian Paprock at Holy Transfiguration Orthodox Mission Chapel, Madison, Wisconsin.
Please pray for the mission chapel and all who attend services there.
Thursday, May 29, 2014
All the Grace and Mercy
All the Grace and Mercy
Christ is Risen!
"All the grace and mercy of God has been given to humanity," says Fr John Brian, "so that we may also rise from the dead."
IN this resurrection time, we are reminded in today's sermon that death has no more power over us. By living dedicated to fear and survival, we actually can end up separated from the eternal mercy available to all.
Fr. John Brian uses the Epistle of Hebrews Chapter 10:1 to help us by showing there is a second and re-newed way of being that helps us reach for the holy sanctification of this auspicious time.
Fr. John-Brian continues to speak to our further spiritual development and he encourages us another inspirational sermon.
Please pray for Fr. John Brian who remains committed to us in the continuing development of Christian Spirituality.
This sermon uses and refers to scripture readings appointed by the Syrian Orthodox calendar and was given on Sunday May 11, 2014 by Fr. John-Brian Paprock at Holy Transfiguration Orthodox Mission Chapel, Madison, Wisconsin.
Please pray for our mission chapel and all our spiritual helpers.
Christ is Risen!
"All the grace and mercy of God has been given to humanity," says Fr John Brian, "so that we may also rise from the dead."
IN this resurrection time, we are reminded in today's sermon that death has no more power over us. By living dedicated to fear and survival, we actually can end up separated from the eternal mercy available to all.
Fr. John Brian uses the Epistle of Hebrews Chapter 10:1 to help us by showing there is a second and re-newed way of being that helps us reach for the holy sanctification of this auspicious time.
Fr. John-Brian continues to speak to our further spiritual development and he encourages us another inspirational sermon.
Please pray for Fr. John Brian who remains committed to us in the continuing development of Christian Spirituality.
This sermon uses and refers to scripture readings appointed by the Syrian Orthodox calendar and was given on Sunday May 11, 2014 by Fr. John-Brian Paprock at Holy Transfiguration Orthodox Mission Chapel, Madison, Wisconsin.
Please pray for our mission chapel and all our spiritual helpers.
Tuesday, May 20, 2014
Fix the Broken in Our Lives
Fix the Broken in Our Lives
Christ is Risen!
This sermon focuses on the Resurrection Gospel reading - John Chapter 21.
We may have felt the joy of the resurrection, that God has defeated death and given hope for our limited lives. But are we ready for God to be in our everyday life?
If we can see how we have separated ourselves from Him, how can we truly be reunited with HIm? We are taught in the gospels that He revealed Hmself to His Apostles after His return from death. And in John 21. He is embraced and joins the dinner.
But how do we follow His example of coming back from death?
How do we removed the lingering doubts we have in our relationship with God? We need to make amends. We need to fix that which was broken. When we acknowledge our sins, our separateness, we have only begun a process that is given to us for strength in our conviction that God is good and there is nothing that will keep His goodness, love and mercy from us.
Fr. John Brian explains why the post-resurrection conversation of Jesus and Peter is a demonstration of the way we can fix the brokenness in the world around us - that begins with mending our own brokenness. This brings the talk to the healing of the resurrection continues into our present age.
Fr. John-Brian continues to speak to our further spiritual development and he encourages us another inspirational sermon.
Please pray for Fr. John Brian who remains committed to us in the continuing development of Christian Spirituality.
This sermon uses and refers to scripture readings appointed by the Syrian Orthodox calendar and was given on Sunday May 4, 2014 by Fr. John-Brian Paprock at Holy Transfiguration Orthodox Mission Chapel, Madison, Wisconsin.
Please pray for our mission chapel and all our spiritual helpers.
Christ is Risen!
This sermon focuses on the Resurrection Gospel reading - John Chapter 21.
We may have felt the joy of the resurrection, that God has defeated death and given hope for our limited lives. But are we ready for God to be in our everyday life?
If we can see how we have separated ourselves from Him, how can we truly be reunited with HIm? We are taught in the gospels that He revealed Hmself to His Apostles after His return from death. And in John 21. He is embraced and joins the dinner.
But how do we follow His example of coming back from death?
How do we removed the lingering doubts we have in our relationship with God? We need to make amends. We need to fix that which was broken. When we acknowledge our sins, our separateness, we have only begun a process that is given to us for strength in our conviction that God is good and there is nothing that will keep His goodness, love and mercy from us.
Fr. John Brian explains why the post-resurrection conversation of Jesus and Peter is a demonstration of the way we can fix the brokenness in the world around us - that begins with mending our own brokenness. This brings the talk to the healing of the resurrection continues into our present age.
Fr. John-Brian continues to speak to our further spiritual development and he encourages us another inspirational sermon.
Please pray for Fr. John Brian who remains committed to us in the continuing development of Christian Spirituality.
This sermon uses and refers to scripture readings appointed by the Syrian Orthodox calendar and was given on Sunday May 4, 2014 by Fr. John-Brian Paprock at Holy Transfiguration Orthodox Mission Chapel, Madison, Wisconsin.
Please pray for our mission chapel and all our spiritual helpers.
Thursday, April 24, 2014
Christ Lives In Me!
Christ Lives In Me!
Christ is Risen!
This sermon focuses on Galatians 2:20 in harmony with the resurrection celebration of Pascha (Easter).
The fullness of the Christian experience is the resurrection of Christ. Fr. John Brian talks bout why this was so important. He asks how do we overcome the separation from God? How do we attain complete relationship with God?
Fr John Brian explores why several key events were not enough: the incarnation, epiphany, crucifixion... These are all important to show God's willingness to be with us completely.
But it is the resurrection that gives us the path to be with God completely!
St. Paul writes in Galation (2:20) "I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me."
This leads Fr John Brian to talk inspirationally about our journey as Orthodox Christians - how Easter is echoed in every Sunday liturgy throughout the year.- so that our journey with Christ IN us will lead us beyond death and into union with God.
Fr. John-Brian continues to speak to our further spiritual development and he encourages us another inspirational sermon.
Please pray for Fr. John Brian who remains committed to us in the continuing development of Christian Spirituality.
This sermon uses and refers to scripture readings appointed by the Syrian Orthodox calendar and was given on Saturday Night (in anticipation of Paschal Sunday), April 19, 2014 by Fr. John-Brian Paprock at Holy Transfiguration Orthodox Mission Chapel, Madison, Wisconsin.
Please pray for our mission chapel and all our spiritual helpers.
Christ is Risen!
This sermon focuses on Galatians 2:20 in harmony with the resurrection celebration of Pascha (Easter).
The fullness of the Christian experience is the resurrection of Christ. Fr. John Brian talks bout why this was so important. He asks how do we overcome the separation from God? How do we attain complete relationship with God?
Fr John Brian explores why several key events were not enough: the incarnation, epiphany, crucifixion... These are all important to show God's willingness to be with us completely.
But it is the resurrection that gives us the path to be with God completely!
St. Paul writes in Galation (2:20) "I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me."
This leads Fr John Brian to talk inspirationally about our journey as Orthodox Christians - how Easter is echoed in every Sunday liturgy throughout the year.- so that our journey with Christ IN us will lead us beyond death and into union with God.
Fr. John-Brian continues to speak to our further spiritual development and he encourages us another inspirational sermon.
Please pray for Fr. John Brian who remains committed to us in the continuing development of Christian Spirituality.
This sermon uses and refers to scripture readings appointed by the Syrian Orthodox calendar and was given on Saturday Night (in anticipation of Paschal Sunday), April 19, 2014 by Fr. John-Brian Paprock at Holy Transfiguration Orthodox Mission Chapel, Madison, Wisconsin.
Please pray for our mission chapel and all our spiritual helpers.
Wishing and Striving are Not Enough
Wishing and Striving are Not Enough
This sermon is a homiletic of Romans 9:16 with the Hosannas that lead to the Passion of Christ.
St. Paul writes of the blessings of God, that in the scriptures there are those that are favored. IN the Gospel of Mark, Jesus curses a fig tree in Jerusalem that bears no fruit. He then casts out the money-changers from the temple.
This leads Fr John Brian to talk compassionately about the acceptance of what is beyond our reach.
St. Paul divides this up for us in verse 16 of Chapter 9, writing that the blessings are NOT in reach of our wishing nor of our striving. No earthly human plan has worked of itself.
St. Paul finishes the verse by writing that IT IS within the reach of the merciful God.
Fr. John-Brian continues to speak to our further spiritual development and he encourages us another inspirational sermon.
Please pray for Fr. John Brian who remains committed to us in the continuing development of Christian Spirituality.
This sermon uses and refers to scripture readings appointed by the Syrian Orthodox calendar and was given on Sunday, April 13, 2014 by Fr. John-Brian Paprock at Holy Transfiguration Orthodox Mission Chapel, Madison, Wisconsin.
Please pray for our mission chapel and all our spiritual helpers.
This sermon is a homiletic of Romans 9:16 with the Hosannas that lead to the Passion of Christ.
St. Paul writes of the blessings of God, that in the scriptures there are those that are favored. IN the Gospel of Mark, Jesus curses a fig tree in Jerusalem that bears no fruit. He then casts out the money-changers from the temple.
This leads Fr John Brian to talk compassionately about the acceptance of what is beyond our reach.
St. Paul divides this up for us in verse 16 of Chapter 9, writing that the blessings are NOT in reach of our wishing nor of our striving. No earthly human plan has worked of itself.
St. Paul finishes the verse by writing that IT IS within the reach of the merciful God.
Fr. John-Brian continues to speak to our further spiritual development and he encourages us another inspirational sermon.
Please pray for Fr. John Brian who remains committed to us in the continuing development of Christian Spirituality.
This sermon uses and refers to scripture readings appointed by the Syrian Orthodox calendar and was given on Sunday, April 13, 2014 by Fr. John-Brian Paprock at Holy Transfiguration Orthodox Mission Chapel, Madison, Wisconsin.
Please pray for our mission chapel and all our spiritual helpers.
Tuesday, April 22, 2014
Christian Enough
Christian Enough
Sometimes it seems that we got it all sewn up and we can easily tell who is Christian. But we cannot know everything about anyone, not even ourselves - we cannot know who is Christian enough. This is something only He who knows the heart can know.
People have been harshly judgmental lately, as though life was some sort of a team sport, where wearing the proper colors lets everyone know you root for the home team. Bur Fr. John Brian reminds us, "our self interest ought to become less and less selfish."
The two blind men, healed in the Gospel of Mark, follow Christ when they are given the gift of sight. There is no record of these former blind men using there ability to see judging others and harshly criticizing others. All they do after being healed is follow Christ. Fr. John Brian notes, "Being able to enumerate and talk about another's sins does not make you holy or even superior. It certainly does not make you less sinful. It does make you a person with great interest in another person's sins."
"I would prefer'" he continues, "people come to church as rampant sinners - so they can truly come to know the love of God for them."
Fr. John-Brian continues to speak to our further spiritual development and he encourages us in this inspirational sermon.
Please pray for Fr. John Brian who remains committed to us in the continuing development of Christian Spirituality.
This sermon uses and refers to scripture readings appointed by the Syrian Orthodox calendar and was given on Sunday, April 6, 2014 by Fr. John-Brian Paprock at Holy Transfiguration Orthodox Mission Chapel, Madison, Wisconsin. Please pray for our mission chapel and all our spiritual helpers.
Sometimes it seems that we got it all sewn up and we can easily tell who is Christian. But we cannot know everything about anyone, not even ourselves - we cannot know who is Christian enough. This is something only He who knows the heart can know.
People have been harshly judgmental lately, as though life was some sort of a team sport, where wearing the proper colors lets everyone know you root for the home team. Bur Fr. John Brian reminds us, "our self interest ought to become less and less selfish."
The two blind men, healed in the Gospel of Mark, follow Christ when they are given the gift of sight. There is no record of these former blind men using there ability to see judging others and harshly criticizing others. All they do after being healed is follow Christ. Fr. John Brian notes, "Being able to enumerate and talk about another's sins does not make you holy or even superior. It certainly does not make you less sinful. It does make you a person with great interest in another person's sins."
"I would prefer'" he continues, "people come to church as rampant sinners - so they can truly come to know the love of God for them."
Fr. John-Brian continues to speak to our further spiritual development and he encourages us in this inspirational sermon.
Please pray for Fr. John Brian who remains committed to us in the continuing development of Christian Spirituality.
This sermon uses and refers to scripture readings appointed by the Syrian Orthodox calendar and was given on Sunday, April 6, 2014 by Fr. John-Brian Paprock at Holy Transfiguration Orthodox Mission Chapel, Madison, Wisconsin. Please pray for our mission chapel and all our spiritual helpers.
Wednesday, April 16, 2014
We are People of the Mud
People of the Mud
We are all People of the Mud, of the dirt. We are one humanity with one hope.
God got muddy with us and showed us that, even though the dirt and dust remain, we may all rise from the dirt and have new life.
This sermon uses the spring weather in the Midwest with the mud that still seems lifeless as analogy of the Lenten season that is coming to a close with hope in all humanity.
Fr. John Brian gives a very short sermon (under 10 minutes) on the issues that the season brings to our humanity and our spiritual development.
Fr. John-Brian continues to speak to our further spiritual development and he encourages us in this inspirational sermon.
Please pray for Fr. John Brian who remains committed to us in the continuing development of Christian Spirituality.
This sermon uses and refers to scripture readings appointed by the Syrian Orthodox calendar and was given on Sunday, March 30, 2014 by Fr. John-Brian Paprock at Holy Transfiguration Orthodox Mission Chapel, Madison, Wisconsin.
Please pray for our mission chapel and all our spiritual helpers.
We are all People of the Mud, of the dirt. We are one humanity with one hope.
God got muddy with us and showed us that, even though the dirt and dust remain, we may all rise from the dirt and have new life.
This sermon uses the spring weather in the Midwest with the mud that still seems lifeless as analogy of the Lenten season that is coming to a close with hope in all humanity.
Fr. John Brian gives a very short sermon (under 10 minutes) on the issues that the season brings to our humanity and our spiritual development.
Fr. John-Brian continues to speak to our further spiritual development and he encourages us in this inspirational sermon.
Please pray for Fr. John Brian who remains committed to us in the continuing development of Christian Spirituality.
This sermon uses and refers to scripture readings appointed by the Syrian Orthodox calendar and was given on Sunday, March 30, 2014 by Fr. John-Brian Paprock at Holy Transfiguration Orthodox Mission Chapel, Madison, Wisconsin.
Please pray for our mission chapel and all our spiritual helpers.
Sunday, March 30, 2014
Servant of All
Servant of All
On March 21, 2014, HH Moron Mor Ignatios I Iwas, Patriarch of Antioch and all the East departed from this world. At the request of the Patriarch, memorial prayers were said in all churches.
This memorial focus gave an opportunity to talk about the need, purpose and the nature of hierarchy in the Christian Church from the beginning centuries.
In Holy Orthodoxy, the hierarchy in its form, substance, spirit and symbolism have been kept intact to the present era.
Fr. John Brian gives a short sermon on the issues of leadership, paraphrasing the great work of St. John Chrysostom "On the Priesthood" which was written from St. John's refusal to be consecrated Patriarch of Constantinople in the 4th Century.
May the memory of LL HH Moron Mor Ignatios I Iwas be eternal! May he pray for us, asking for the Lord's mercy and the fruits of faith in all our lives.
Fr. John-Brian speaks to further spiritual development and encouragement in another short inspirational sermon.
Please pray for Fr. John Brian who remains committed to us in the continuing development of Christian Spirituality.
This sermon uses and refers to scripture readings appointed by the Syrian Orthodox calendar and was given on Sunday, March 23, 2014 by Fr. John-Brian Paprock at Holy Transfiguration Orthodox Mission Chapel, Madison, Wisconsin.
Please pray for our mission chapel and all our spiritual helpers.
On March 21, 2014, HH Moron Mor Ignatios I Iwas, Patriarch of Antioch and all the East departed from this world. At the request of the Patriarch, memorial prayers were said in all churches.
This memorial focus gave an opportunity to talk about the need, purpose and the nature of hierarchy in the Christian Church from the beginning centuries.
In Holy Orthodoxy, the hierarchy in its form, substance, spirit and symbolism have been kept intact to the present era.
Fr. John Brian gives a short sermon on the issues of leadership, paraphrasing the great work of St. John Chrysostom "On the Priesthood" which was written from St. John's refusal to be consecrated Patriarch of Constantinople in the 4th Century.
May the memory of LL HH Moron Mor Ignatios I Iwas be eternal! May he pray for us, asking for the Lord's mercy and the fruits of faith in all our lives.
Fr. John-Brian speaks to further spiritual development and encouragement in another short inspirational sermon.
Please pray for Fr. John Brian who remains committed to us in the continuing development of Christian Spirituality.
This sermon uses and refers to scripture readings appointed by the Syrian Orthodox calendar and was given on Sunday, March 23, 2014 by Fr. John-Brian Paprock at Holy Transfiguration Orthodox Mission Chapel, Madison, Wisconsin.
Please pray for our mission chapel and all our spiritual helpers.
Whom Does It Serve?
If Lent is the great preparation, whom does it serve?
Fr. John Brian gives a short sermon on the issues of service and temptation. "Selfishness is the major source of our struggles," he says.
He brings up the temptations of Jesus Christ during the 40-day fast after His baptism.
"May God fill us His love. For whom? For self? No for serving others," Fr. John Brian encourages us.
Fr. John-Brian speaks to further spiritual development and encouragement in this short inspirational sermon.
Please pray for Fr. John Brian who remains committed to us in the continuing development of Christian Spirituality.
This sermon uses and refers to scripture readings appointed by the Syrian Orthodox calendar and was given on Sunday, March 9, 2014 by Fr. John-Brian Paprock at Holy Transfiguration Orthodox Mission Chapel, Madison, Wisconsin.
Please pray for our mission chapel and all our spiritual helpers.
Wednesday, March 12, 2014
The Great Preparation
The Great Preparation
Lent is the great preparation for the renewal of the entirety of creation through the coming resurrection of Jesus Christ.
The Lenten spotlight in Holy Orthodoxy for this preparation is not only a physical culinary change, but also the clarification of our inner life. Is our focus on being with God or on how others may judge us? And then, we have to come to terms with our judgment of others.
So, Lent begins with forgiveness, with reconciliation, with reparation among those that should and ought to love one another.
Yet often we base our inner life on the outer world rather than engage the inner life in all our worldly activities.
Fr. John Brian uses our instant judgment of a church by its outward appearance as an indicator of how we get stuck in our desire for oneness with God.
Sacred places are places where God dwells and Lent is preparing a sacred place in our hearts. Yet, so often the outward appearance of a person seems to be more important than their heart and soul.
"However, many of us feel more welcomed by an empty church," says Fr John Brian, "than in a church full of people." This is a real problem in our modern Orthodox churches and congregations.
Fr. John-Brian speaks to further spiritual development and encouragement in this short inspirational sermon.
Please pray for Fr. John Brian who remains committed to us in the continuing development of Christian Spirituality.
This sermon uses and refers to scripture readings appointed by the Syrian Orthodox calendar and was given on Sunday, March 2, 2014 by Fr. John-Brian Paprock at Holy Transfiguration Orthodox Mission Chapel, Madison, Wisconsin.
Please pray for our mission chapel and all our spiritual helpers.
Lent is the great preparation for the renewal of the entirety of creation through the coming resurrection of Jesus Christ.
The Lenten spotlight in Holy Orthodoxy for this preparation is not only a physical culinary change, but also the clarification of our inner life. Is our focus on being with God or on how others may judge us? And then, we have to come to terms with our judgment of others.
So, Lent begins with forgiveness, with reconciliation, with reparation among those that should and ought to love one another.
Yet often we base our inner life on the outer world rather than engage the inner life in all our worldly activities.
Fr. John Brian uses our instant judgment of a church by its outward appearance as an indicator of how we get stuck in our desire for oneness with God.
Sacred places are places where God dwells and Lent is preparing a sacred place in our hearts. Yet, so often the outward appearance of a person seems to be more important than their heart and soul.
"However, many of us feel more welcomed by an empty church," says Fr John Brian, "than in a church full of people." This is a real problem in our modern Orthodox churches and congregations.
Fr. John-Brian speaks to further spiritual development and encouragement in this short inspirational sermon.
Please pray for Fr. John Brian who remains committed to us in the continuing development of Christian Spirituality.
This sermon uses and refers to scripture readings appointed by the Syrian Orthodox calendar and was given on Sunday, March 2, 2014 by Fr. John-Brian Paprock at Holy Transfiguration Orthodox Mission Chapel, Madison, Wisconsin.
Please pray for our mission chapel and all our spiritual helpers.
Thursday, February 27, 2014
Ready for Christian Purpose
Ready for Christian Purpose
As we get ready for the Feast of Feasts, the Day of all Days, the day that our entire relationship with the created universe changed - when Jesus Christ rises from the dead.
We prepare with a Great Fast at Lent. And we prepare for this Great Fast with a smaller fast, examining the mission and purpose that God gave us.
In this examination, inwardlly, we are asked to come to terms with our willingness to work in God's fields. We also come to terms with how we do not trust God.
It is the Prophet Jonah and the scripture story that is our guide and example for the Great Fast.
Fr. John-Brian speaks to the guidance, example and spiritual encouragement of Jonah in this short inspirational sermon.
Please pray for Fr. John Brian who remains committed to us in the continuing development of Christian Spirituality.
This sermon uses and refers to scripture readings appointed by the Syrian Orthodox calendar and was given on Sunday, February 9, 2014 by Fr. John-Brian Paprock at Holy Transfiguration Orthodox Mission Chapel, Madison, Wisconsin.
Please pray for our mission and help us as you are able.
As we get ready for the Feast of Feasts, the Day of all Days, the day that our entire relationship with the created universe changed - when Jesus Christ rises from the dead.
We prepare with a Great Fast at Lent. And we prepare for this Great Fast with a smaller fast, examining the mission and purpose that God gave us.
In this examination, inwardlly, we are asked to come to terms with our willingness to work in God's fields. We also come to terms with how we do not trust God.
It is the Prophet Jonah and the scripture story that is our guide and example for the Great Fast.
Fr. John-Brian speaks to the guidance, example and spiritual encouragement of Jonah in this short inspirational sermon.
Please pray for Fr. John Brian who remains committed to us in the continuing development of Christian Spirituality.
This sermon uses and refers to scripture readings appointed by the Syrian Orthodox calendar and was given on Sunday, February 9, 2014 by Fr. John-Brian Paprock at Holy Transfiguration Orthodox Mission Chapel, Madison, Wisconsin.
Please pray for our mission and help us as you are able.
Saturday, February 22, 2014
Honorable Vessels and the Song of Simeon
Honorable Vessels and the Song of Simeon
Simeon is a prophet who is a witness of Jesus as messiah, the savior of all. He was told by God that he would not die until he saw the messiah.
When he saw the baby Jesus presented in the temple, he knew he could die. And he sang a song - praising God as he let go of this life for the life to come. God's will is fulfilled.
Sometimes he is pictured bearing a candle in each hand, one to be a light for Israel and the other to illuminate the Gentiles. So, we bless candles on this day of Christ's presentation in the temple.
In the Second Epistle to Timothy, St. Paul talks about different vessels that are used in a household. Fr. John Brian uses this analogy to emphasize our spiritual need to embrace the way God made us - with three clear characteristics to be of purpose, as an honorable vessel.
Fr. John-Brian speaks to this blessing and this illumination in this short inspirational sermon.
Please pray for Fr. John Brian who remains committed to us in the continuing development of Christian Spirituality.
This sermon uses and refers to scripture readings appointed by the Syrian Orthodox calendar and was given on Sunday, February 2, 2014 by Fr. John-Brian Paprock at Holy Transfiguration Orthodox Mission Chapel, Madison, Wisconsin.
Please pray for our mission and help us as you are able.
Simeon is a prophet who is a witness of Jesus as messiah, the savior of all. He was told by God that he would not die until he saw the messiah.
When he saw the baby Jesus presented in the temple, he knew he could die. And he sang a song - praising God as he let go of this life for the life to come. God's will is fulfilled.
Sometimes he is pictured bearing a candle in each hand, one to be a light for Israel and the other to illuminate the Gentiles. So, we bless candles on this day of Christ's presentation in the temple.
In the Second Epistle to Timothy, St. Paul talks about different vessels that are used in a household. Fr. John Brian uses this analogy to emphasize our spiritual need to embrace the way God made us - with three clear characteristics to be of purpose, as an honorable vessel.
Fr. John-Brian speaks to this blessing and this illumination in this short inspirational sermon.
Please pray for Fr. John Brian who remains committed to us in the continuing development of Christian Spirituality.
This sermon uses and refers to scripture readings appointed by the Syrian Orthodox calendar and was given on Sunday, February 2, 2014 by Fr. John-Brian Paprock at Holy Transfiguration Orthodox Mission Chapel, Madison, Wisconsin.
Please pray for our mission and help us as you are able.
Thursday, February 13, 2014
Illumination - The Gift of Timket
The Baptism of Jesus Christ by St. John the Baptist is a seminal event in Christianity. It is the event that ends the Old Testament.
In Ethiopian tradition, it is the feast of the Ark of the Covenant that prefigured the appearance of the Trinity at the Baptism - the Illumination of the Word by the descent of the Holy Spirit as a dove (which links this to the Ark of Noah).
At this festival, the Ark (or the representation of the Ark) is carried forth to the place where the waters are blessed.
Fr. John-Brian speaks to this blessing and this illumination in this short inspriational sermon.
Please pray for Fr. John Brian who continues to encourage us in the continuing development of Christian Spirituality.
This sermon uses and refers to scripture readings appointed by the Syrian Orthodox calendar and was given on Sunday, January 19, 2014 by Fr. John-Brian Paprock at Holy Transfiguration Orthodox Mission Chapel, Madison, Wisconsin.
Please pray for our mission and help us as you are able.
Saturday, February 08, 2014
Living in the Cold and Dark
Living in the Cold and Dark
Sometimes we underestimate to the power of the world arounds us - the powerful influence of cold and dark. Through human ingenuity and practical application of the created laws of nature, we are able to combat both of the cold and the dark with heat and electricity. However, not everyone benefits.
In the opening of John's Gospel and his First Epistle, there is discussion of darkness and light. There is a symbolic understanding of cold and dark as applied to our awareness in consciousness and our moral conscience, our inner guidance system.
Fr John Brian talks about these opposing forces in our spiritual development.
Please pray for Fr. John Brian who continues to encourage us in the continuing development of Christian Spirituality.
This sermon uses and refers to scripture readings appointed by the Syrian Orthodox calendar and was given on Sunday, January 5, 2014 by Fr. John-Brian Paprock at Holy Transfiguration Orthodox Mission Chapel, Madison, Wisconsin.
Please pray for our mission and help us as you are able.
Sometimes we underestimate to the power of the world arounds us - the powerful influence of cold and dark. Through human ingenuity and practical application of the created laws of nature, we are able to combat both of the cold and the dark with heat and electricity. However, not everyone benefits.
In the opening of John's Gospel and his First Epistle, there is discussion of darkness and light. There is a symbolic understanding of cold and dark as applied to our awareness in consciousness and our moral conscience, our inner guidance system.
Fr John Brian talks about these opposing forces in our spiritual development.
Please pray for Fr. John Brian who continues to encourage us in the continuing development of Christian Spirituality.
This sermon uses and refers to scripture readings appointed by the Syrian Orthodox calendar and was given on Sunday, January 5, 2014 by Fr. John-Brian Paprock at Holy Transfiguration Orthodox Mission Chapel, Madison, Wisconsin.
Please pray for our mission and help us as you are able.
Thursday, January 09, 2014
For That Which Does NOT - Praise God

For That Which Does NOT - Praise God
Any step in the right direction is progress. And we all know to be gracious and grateful for any progres we can make in this life.
We often do not even consider the potential or terrible things that might have happened - when bad things do not happen to us.
After Nativity of Jesus Christ, we are told that Herod, out of fear of losing his earthly kingdom, wealth and power, sought to kill Jesus as a baby. When he found that Bethlehem would be the birth place, he ordered the death of all male infants under a year old. These are considered the first martyrs - the Holy Innocents. We ask them to pray for us.
And the three kings and Joseph were both warned. Joseph, by an angel.
Fr. John Brian talks about the need for the prayers of others. "By prayer," he says, "we hold each other up."
Please pray for Fr. John Brian who continues to encourage us in the continuing development of Christian spirituality.
This sermon uses and refers to scripture readings appointed by the Syrian calendar and was given on Sunday, December 29, 2013 by Fr. John-Brian Paprock at Holy Transfiguration Orthodox Mission Chapel, Madison, Wisconsin.
Please pray for our mission and help us as you are able.
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