Praise to be the merciful Lord that allows me this internet, this electronic space to publish both audio and written work to be easily and readily available.
May that Lord richly bless each one who may come to this reading. May God bless this endeavor with His wisdom and grace. May His love be ever present and bountiful. May the Healing Spirit that brings us back into that wholeness of our very creation be present among the electrons, bits and bytes of this media, reaching beyond the screens into the hearts. May Peace prevail! May Love provide! May Light and Life keep us in the Truth! May Wisdom teach our hearts and souls! May we never loose sight of the creator and provider of all good things.
May this small effort be blessed with an angel of healing, an angel of enlightenment, an angel of fortitude, an angel of love. May you be blessed by these angels.
Pray for me, a servant.