Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Asking for the Intercessions of Mary

Asking for the Intercessions of Mary

At this time of year, many parishes and individuals, prayer groups and missions of the Orthodox faith ask for the intercessions of Mary, Virgin-Mother of God, birthgiver of Jesus Christ the Saviour.

Fr. John Brian gave a sermon after such prayers on asking for the intercession of St. Mary - what we ask for and why we ask her.

To some it may appear that Orthodox are praying to St. Mary, asking her to fulfill prayers, but in Orthodoxy we are praying that she will pray (or intercede) for us or act on our behalf. This is similar to asking an elder, monastic, priest or bishop for their prayers.

In this short sermon, Fr. John Brian clarifies this act of prayerful faith.

This sermon uses and refers to scripture readings appointed by the Syrian Malankara calendar and was given on Sunday, August 26, 2012 by Fr. John-Brian Paprock at Holy Transfiguration Orthodox Mission Chapel, Madison, Wisconsin.

Please pray for us and help us.

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